In the foreground, first and second from the left, are Miron Gorilovsky and Lev Gorilovsky (Photo from the Polyplastic VK group)

The High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) has approved the Ministry of Justice’s lawsuit to confiscate the assets of Russian oligarch Miron Gorilovsky and his business partners, Valentin Buyanovsky and Andrey Menshov, in favor of the Ukrainian state, according to the ministry’s press service.

Gorilovsky, Buyanovsky, and Menshov are founders, controllers, and top managers of the Russian company Polyplastic Group. This is a large industrial conglomerate specializing in the production of high-tech polymer pipes and composite polymer materials.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Justice claims that the defendants, through controlled companies, engaged in actions that supported the aggressive policies of the Russian Federation.

By the HACC’s decision on September 20, 2024, assets under the indirect control of the sanctioned individuals were seized for the benefit of Ukraine, including corporate rights to companies within the Ukrainian branch of the Polyplastic Group:

→ 93% share of the authorized capital of Eurotrubplast Trading House LLC;
→ 93% share of the authorized capital of Kalush Pipe Plant LLC;
→ 93% share of the authorized capital of Rubizhne Pipe Plant LLC;
→ 100% share of the authorized capital of Polymerteplo-Ukraine LLC;
→ 10% share of the authorized capital of Ukrainian Polymer Group LLC;
→ 51% share of the authorized capital of Kordflex LLC.

The decision has not yet come into force and can be appealed within five days of its announcement.

It is known that the Russian Polyplastic Group supplied pipes for the construction of the Kerch Bridge, specifically for the installation of wave breakers and the Nizhyn water intake in eastern Crimea (a 65 km water pipeline), to ensure water supply to the cities of Feodosia, Kerch, and Leninsky district through the North Crimean Canal. All of this was done without the consent of the Ukrainian authorities and in violation of international sanctions agreements.

Miron Gorilovsky's son, Lev Gorilovsky, is the president of the Russian Polyplastic Group LLC, a member of the governing bodies of the Russian government-affiliated public organization Delovaya Rossiya, and participates in meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Miron Gorilovsky previously told journalists that his factories produce half of all plastic pipes in Russia.

Read also: EU to grant Ukraine €35 billion in aid, Russia set to cover the cost