Odesa Airport. Photo - Odesa Airport/Facebook

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau and Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office have completed the investigation and renewed indictments in the case of taking over the Odesa International Airport and UAH 2.5 billion ($63 million) in revenue from its activities.

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On May 17, Odesa businessmen involved in the case and the former mayor of Odesa were served new charges. Previously, they were indicted only with misappropriation of property, but now also with money laundering and bribery.

According to law enforcement officers, the businessmen gave the official a bribe in the form of a two-story 700 sq.m. penthouse in the center of Odesa.

The businessmen are also accused of two episodes of legalization of airport property, including about 100 buildings and structures, 84 vehicles and a warehouse of fuel and lubricants. They face up to 12 years in prison.

Odesa International Airport LLC is a joint venture established in November 2011 by the Odesa City Council and private investor Odesa Airport Development, which financed the construction of a new airport terminal and infrastructure worth $45 million. The airport was controlled by Borys Kaufman and Oleksandr Hranovskyi. Ihor Kolomoisky also expressed interest in the airport.

NABU and SAPO reported on August 29, 2023, the exposure of the criminal group that took possession of the property of ME Odesa International Airport worth UAH 118 million ($3 million) and the income from its activities during 2012-2022 in the amount of more than UAH 2.5 billion ($63 million).

The former mayor of Odesa, Oleksiy Kostusiev, his former deputy, businessmen Borys Kaufman and Alex Borukhovich (formerly Oleksandr Hranovskyi from Odesa), as well as the director of Odesa Airport Development Oleksiy Kochanov, were indicted. Kaufman and Borukhovich control Odesa Airport Development, which owns 75% of Odesa International Airport.

Alex Borukhovich is a former Ukrainian MP (2002-2006) from the SDPU(o). He is Kaufman's business partner and together with him owns the Vertex Hotel Group, which manages hotels in Odesa.

On September 7, 2023, the High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine arrested businessman Kaufman with a bail of UAH 268 million ($6.8 million), and on September 13 made a decision regarding Borukhovich – arrest with a bail of UAH 121 million ($3.1 million).

In October, the HACCU seized the property of Odesa airport.

Read more: Ukraine's High Anti-Corruption Court seizes assets of Odesa International Airport