Ukrainian wins the European karting title for the first time ever

This July, junior karting pilot Oleksandr Bondarev made history by becoming the first Ukrainian to ever win the FIA Karting European Championship.

The news came during the final round of the European Championship in Italy’s Cremona Circuit on July 28-30, where the Ukrainian finished 3rd among 81 of the world’s best drivers.

Podium in Italy along with another top-3 spot in Spain and two consecutive victories in Czech Republic and Denmark during the 3 previous rounds had put Oleksandr Bondarev on the top of the rankings securing his absolute victory and the European Champion Title.
Sharing in the Ukrainian’s joy are his long-time partners from Favbet Foundation, a charitable foundation focused on youth development through multiple initiatives in sports and education.
Oleksandr will receive his 2023 European Championship award in December at the FIA awards ceremony along with other karting pilots and Formula 1 drivers.