MP Getmantsev explains Zelenskyy's statement about single body for business inspections
Danil Getmantsev (Photo: Valentina Polishchuk/

After its relaunch, the Economic Security Bureau (ESBU) should become the only body that will deal with business inspections, the need for which President Volodymyr Zelenskyy declared earlier, stated the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy, Danil Getmantsev, reports Interfax-Ukraine.

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According to him, the completion of the ESBU reform will include, in particular, the holding of an open competition for the head of the bureau with the right to relaunch this body.

"Actually, what the president is talking about is the unfinished reform of the ESBU. It was the ESBU that was supposed to become the agency that was supposed to replace all the bodies that carry out criminal prosecution in the economic sphere," Getmantsev said.

According to the chairman of the committee, the legislature adopted a rather high-quality law on the ESBU more than two years ago.

"However, the appointment of tax policeman Melnyk as its head actually disrupted the reform, because the body was completely formed from former policemen, and all the worst that was in the tax police was transferred to ESBU," Getmantsev explained.

According to him, after the dismissal of this manager, despite isolated successful "implementations", there are still no visible systemic qualitative changes.

"Confusion with the leadership does not benefit the reform. I consider it necessary to hold an open competition for the position of the head and give the head the right to relaunch the ESBU. And then what the president is talking about will be implemented," Getmantsev emphasized.

In 2023, the tax service planned to check more than 4,000 enterprises.