ARMA clarifies: strategic seized assets will not be put up for tender

The seized assets of enterprises operating in the field of gas generation, heat generation, power generation, water drainage, and also in the defense sector are transferred to the management of state-owned enterprises under a simplified procedure, Pavlo Buldovych, head of the communication and promotion department at the state Agency for Recovery and Management of Assets, told
The TPPs in Lviv Oblast, 26 regional gas companies, and the chain of gas stations "Glusco" have already been transferred to the management of state companies without tender.
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What started it
According to him, the mechanism had to be developed when it was necessary to quickly take control of two TPPs in Lviv Oblast. At the time, the manager selected at the tender failed to ensure the smooth functioning of the enterprises.
"And this led to negative consequences, an emergency was declared and when the contract was terminated, the TPPs needed to be put into operation as quickly as possible in the winter, and it was absolutely impossible to select a manager for another six months by tender. This case clearly showed that not all arrested objects, it is appropriate to look for a manager on a competitive basis and go through long procedures," said Buldovych.
Also, ARMA came to the conclusion that it is not always effective to find a manager for strategic assets and critical infrastructure objects from a private business.
"The private manager is interested in a certain economic profitability, but such projects are important and interruptions in the work of such enterprises may cause the risk of an emergency. Only the state can guarantee the existence of such objects, and this is where such a procedure was born," added the ARMA representative.
What assets are transferred under the simplified procedure
According to the simplified procedure, only seized assets that work in the field of gas generation, heat generation, power generation, water drainage and also in the defense sector are transferred.
"In the case when we are talking about strategic assets, objects of critical infrastructure, in order to ensure their uninterrupted functioning, we resort to using this procedure," Buldovych emphasized.
How it works
ARMA appeals to the Cabinet of Ministers with a proposal for the government to appoint a responsible manager from the state-owned companies subordinated to the relevant ministries.
"Here we are not talking about competitive selection, but in fact, about the appointment by the Cabinet of Ministers by means of a decree. If it is an energy asset, then the Ministry of Energy deals with it, etc.," Buldovych explained.