Ukrnafta assumes management of Kolomoisky's Ukrnaftoburinnya

The Cabinet of Ministers instructed to transfer the arrested company Ukrnaftoburinnya to the management of Ukrnafta. The relevant order No. 454-r dated May 23 was published on the official government portal.
"To agree with the proposal of the National Agency for the Identification, Search and Management of Assets Obtained from Corruption and Other Crimes (ARMA- ed.) and the Ministry of Defense regarding the transfer to the public joint-stock company Ukrnafta of assets seized in criminal proceedings, according to the list attached to the original," the document says.
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According to the document, the decision was made "in order to prevent the risk of emergency situations or disruptions in the supply of natural gas."
The assets are not named in the order, but ARMA recently told that the seized assets of Sakhalinske LLC, Ukrnaftoburinnya PJSC, Tatneft gas stations, as well as Sirius-1 LLC and East Europe Petroleum LLC will be handed over to the state. in the coming weeks.
On May 4, at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office, the court again seized the shares of the second-largest private gas company in Ukraine. Thus, the shares of Ukrnaftoburinnya were again transferred to the balance sheet of the Agency for Recovery and Management of Assets (ARMA), and the attempt of the company's shareholders to cancel the arrest and return one of the largest gas fields in the country failed. Now the shareholders of Ukrnaftoburinya are threatening Ukraine with an international court.