Ukrenergo becomes full member of European network of ENTSO-E operators

The General Assembly of the Association of the European Network of Transmission System Operators ENTSO-E granted Ukrenergo the status of a full member, reported the company's press service.
"This means that Ukraine has become an integral part of the 'Energy European Union'," Ukrenergo said in a statement.
Formally, the operator of the Ukrainian energy system will become the 40th member of ENTSO-E from January 1, 2024.
Ukrenergo will have access to all the rights and obligations of a full member of ENTSO-E. Will have the right to vote during the meetings of the General Assembly and the board of ENTSO-E, which will allow to influence the adoption of strategic decisions regarding the operation and development of the pan-European energy network.
Voice of Ukrenergo will be the fourth largest consumer in the energy system after France, Italy and Spain. In Germany, there are four system operators who have an equal number of points during voting.
"This is an important historical step that will significantly contribute to increasing energy security, the stability of our energy system, as well as the stability of electricity supply," commented the chairman of the board of Ukrenergo Volodymyr Kudrytskyi.
ENTSO-E , the European Network of Electricity Transmission System Operators, is a cooperation association of European Transmission System Operators (TSOs). 39 TSO members representing 35 countries are responsible for the safe and coordinated operation of the European electricity system, the largest interconnected electricity network in the world. In addition to its primary historical role in technical cooperation, ENTSO-E is also the overall voice of TSOs.
Ukraine signed the conditions for joining the European energy system in June 2017. In 2021, Ukrenergo was certified as a European transmission system operator. Synchronization of the Ukrainian and European energy systems began in March 2023 and was fully completed in November 2023.
On August 31, 2023, the first president of ENTSO-E headed the supervisory board of Ukrenergo.