Ukraine suspends mining licenses of major Russian-owned crushed stone company
Photo: Unigran

The State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ukraine has stopped the special permits for the use of subsoil of three companies related to Unigran – one of the largest producers of crushed stone in Ukraine, according to Order No. 290 of June 15.

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The decision was made due to the introduction of personal sanctions against the owner of Unigran, Igor Naumets, and the UK citizen, Elena Kalpa, to whom the entrepreneur's assets were re-registered in early 2023.

Suspended licenses:

→ JSC "Korostenskyi karier" – granite extraction, Korostenske (Stremyhorod) deposit in Zhytomyr Oblast;
→ JSC "Malynskyi Stone Crushing Plant" – granite extraction, Pynyazevytske deposit in Zhytomyr Oblast;
→ PrJSC "Pynyazevytskyi karier" – extraction of granite, anorthosite, gabbro at the deposit "Pynyazevytske 2" in Zhytomyr Oblast;
→ PJSC "Pynyazevytskyi karier" – extraction of granite, anorthosite, gabbro, monzonite in the Northern part of the deposit "Pynyazevytskyi 2" in Zhytomyr Oblast.

Within 20 calendar days after the suspension of the special permit for the use of subsoil, the subsoil user is obliged to stop the work provided for by the license on the area granted to him for the use of subsoil.

In June 2022 , the SBU called Naumets a "Russian oligarch" and reported the arrest of his companies on suspicion of illegal mining.

In the decision of the NSDC on the introduction of sanctions dated May 12, 2023, it is also indicated that Naumets has a Russian passport.