US plant grows production of 155mm rounds for Ukraine by 50%
Illustrative photo (source - EPA)

An ammunition factory in the state of Pennsylvania, USA, has increased the production of artillery shells by 50% for delivery to Ukraine as part of defense assistance, The Associated Press reports.

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The Scranton plant recently increased production from 24,000 to 36,000 rounds per month.

Three more new production lines are currently under development, which will allow the enterprise to produce even more critical munitions.

The plant in Scranton focuses on the production of 155mm shells.

"We’re working really hard to ensure that we achieve the goal that the Pentagon has established," said Richard Hansen, a representative of the US Ground Forces commander at the Scranton plant.

The factory sends blanks, that is, ready-made howitzer rounds, to Iowa, where they are filled with explosives and fitted with fuses.

Since 2006, the enterprise has been managed by General Dynamics under a contract with the US government, which owns the plant.

This week, government officials announced an increase in production thanks to a $400 million plant upgrade.

According to the government, the US has sent more than 3 million 155mm artillery shells to Ukraine since Russia invaded the country in 2022.

Last week, the White House announced a new package of military aid to Ukraine worth another $125 million, including 155mm shells.

On June 20, 2024, German arms giant Rheinmetall announced that it had received the largest order in the company's history for the supply of 155mm artillery ammunition for the Bundeswehr. Part of the shells will be transferred to Ukraine.

On July 10, one of the largest US defense corporations, Northrop Grumman, and Ukroboronprom defense conglomerate agreed on the joint production of ammunition.

On August 23, the Norwegian government allowed the transfer of 155mm projectile production technology developed by the Nammo company to Ukraine.