Moldova to join Ukrainian grain import restrictions

Moldova is going to introduce temporary restrictions on the import of grain and oil crops from Ukraine, according to the statement on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture of Moldova.
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On Friday, Moldovan Minister Vladimir Bolea met with EU Ambassador Jānis Mažeiks and told him about the ministry's intention to "temporarily apply measures identical to those introduced in some EU countries regarding the import of grain and oil crops from Ukraine."
Since May 2, the European Commission has restricted the free circulation of four Ukrainian agricultural products — wheat, corn, rapeseed, and sunflower — on the territory of Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary.
The supply ban will remain in place until at least June 5, but could be extended.
In mid-April, Poland, followed by Hungary, Slovakia, and Bulgaria, under pressure from local producers, suspended the import of grain and other food products from Ukraine.
The countries agreed to cancel unilateral restrictions only after lengthy negotiations with the European Union, as a result of which the European Commission agreed to allocate 100 million euros for compensation to farmers of Ukraine's neighboring countries.
Due to the "bluff" of Polish farmers, Ukraine suffered $143 million in losses, the Ministry of Economy said.