Construction of first Westinghouse nuclear reactor begins in western Ukraine

On Thursday, April 11, construction of the first power unit based on Westinghouse AP1000 technology began at the Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant, reported the press service of Energoatom on Monday.
KhNPP-5 will be the first non-Soviet nuclear power unit in Ukraine, the state NPP operator said.
"A special feature of the American AP1000 technology is the ability to shunt blocks. Today, the enemy is hitting and destroying the balancing power of the Ukrainian energy industry, so the construction of reactors with the ability to shut is very important for us. And this is our answer to terrorists – they will never deprive us of light, and new technologies will enable us to survive. This is a major geopolitical project of common interest to Ukraine and the United States," said Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko at the ceremony of laying the first concrete block.
If these plans are implemented, the total capacity of the Khmelnytskyi NPP will exceed 6,000 MW, making it the largest in Europe.
Together with Halushchenko, US ambassador Bridget Brink, acting Chairman of the Board of Energoatom Petro Kotin, General Director of Westinghouse Electric Company Patrick Fragman.
"With this event, we open a new stage, a new milestone in the cooperation between Westinghouse and Energoatom. Ukraine will receive energy that is clean, affordable and with the use of economically feasible technologies. This project will also create many jobs during construction, operation, repairs and technical service," Fragman said.

In the summer of 2024, Energoatom plans to start the installation of equipment at the KhNPP-3.
Ukraine plans to launch the first Westinghouse nuclear reactor in 2028-2029.