Ukraine postal service launches automated parcel sorting

Ukraine’s state postal company Ukrposhta has launched the first automated parcel sorting line, which is hoped will increase the speed of processing small parcels eightfold, the company said in a statement on Wednesday.

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The new line is claimed to be able to sort more than 150,000 parcels per day.

Ukraine postal service launches automated parcel sorting
Photo via Ukrposhta

By the end of the year, Ukrposhta plans to install four to five more new lines, in order to switch to automated sorting mode all over Ukraine next year.

Ukraine postal service launches automated parcel sorting
Photo by Igor Smelyansky / Facebook

It took the company five months to manufacture and launch the first line, and Ukrposhta says the subsequent ones will be commissioned within four to twelve weeks, depending on the number of sorting directions.

Ukraine postal service launches automated parcel sorting
Photo by Igor Smelyansky / Facebook

It has been disclosed that the contract for settling up parcel sorting lines cost Ukrposhta $1.7 million, including the equipment, its maintenance and four-year service, and a set of spare parts.

In October 2020, Ukrposhta received a €30 million loan from the European investment bank to set up three sorting centres, 20 depots, and IT infrastructure for them.