Over 237,000 Ukrainians lose temporary protection status in Germany within a month. Here's why

In Germany, the number of Ukrainians with temporary protection status decreased from 1.37 million to 1.11 million (or by 236,925 people, -17.6%) in July, according to Eurostat.
Starting in July 2024, Germany excluded from its registered contingent of people under temporary protection all individuals whose temporary protection status was no longer valid, either because they were granted another protection status or permanently left German territory. This led to a significant decrease in the number of people under temporary protection compared to June.
The re-registration in Germany affected the overall EU statistics on the number of Ukrainians with temporary protection status.
As of July 31, 2024, the number of people who left Ukraine for the EU due to the war and received temporary protection decreased to 4.12 million from 4.31 million at the end of June.
Germany still remains the country with the highest number of Ukrainians under temporary protection (1.11 million people, 26.9% of the EU total). It is followed by Poland (976,205 people, 23.7%) and the Czech Republic (369,610 people, 9%).
Compared to the end of June 2024, the largest absolute increase in beneficiaries was observed in Poland (+10,430, +1.1%), the Czech Republic (+8,834, +2.4%), and Romania (+4,250, +2.6%). The number of beneficiaries decreased in Luxembourg (-470, -11%) and France (-470, -0.8%).
Compared with the population of each EU country, the highest ratio of temporary protection recipients per thousand people at the end of July was observed in the Czech Republic (33.9), Lithuania (27.4), and Poland (26.7), while the corresponding EU-wide figure was 9.2 per thousand people.
Ukrainian citizens make up over 98% of temporary protection beneficiaries. Adult women account for nearly half (45.3%), children for 32.4%, and adult men for 22.4%.

Read also: EU Council extends temporary protection for Ukrainians until March 2026