Court returns training ground worth $19 million near Khmelnytskyi to Defense Ministry

The Khmelnytskyi specialized prosecutor's office in the field of defense of the Western region defended the state's right to land worth more than UAH 707 million ($19 million) in court, reported the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office.
Prosecutors proved in court that the lands of the former training ground near the village of Kopystyn are subject to return to the state.
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The land was allocated by the Ministry of Defense for further free transfer to servicemen of the Khmelnytskyi garrison.
However, the Khmelnytskyi City Council did not fulfill these obligations, and gave away some of the plots to citizens who later privatized them.
With this in mind, the specialized prosecutor's office appealed to the court and during lengthy court proceedings managed to return 96 hectares of land to the Defense Ministry.