Cabinet dismisses deputy head of State Customs Service
Photo: State Customs

The Cabinet of Ministers dismissed the Deputy Head of the State Customs Service of Ukraine, Ruslan Cherkasskyi, the member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy Yaroslav Zheleznyak reported on March 24. Taras Melnychuk, the representative of the government in the Verkhovna Rada, also confirmed the dismissal.

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"It is with great pleasure that I report: [Cherkasskyi] has finally been discharged, after so many months of struggle. The man hid for two months on sick leave alone. And many did not believe it, saying that it was impossible to take him down and "you yourself know who his protection racket is..." or "and even Kaletnik could not free him," but he was taken down nonetheless," Zheleznyak wrote on Telegram.

Previously, the lawmaker called Cherkasskyi the "éminence grise" of the State Customs Service.

Ruslan Cherkasskyi started working in the customs back in 1993. He first joined the top management of the State Customs Service in 2006, when he was appointed first deputy head. Later, he headed the Energy Customs, Kyiv Customs, worked in other civil service positions, before returning to the leadership of the State Customs Service in 2021 as deputy head.