Titanium plant in Irshansk preparing for restart after downtime
Irshansky GZK (Photo: OGHC)

The United Mining and Chemical Company is preparing to resume work at the Irshansk Mining and Processing Plant after six months of downtime, reported the press service of the State Property Fund, which is under the manager of UMCC.

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The Irshansk Mining and Processing Plant suspended its work in November 2022. The company's warehouses and ports contain almost 54,000 tons of ilmenite concentrate and 100,000 tons of rough concentrate.

In February, the State Property Fund dismissed the acting Chairman of the Board of UMCC Vladyslav Itkin.

According to SPFU, the new management of the company is actively negotiating new export contracts for the Irshansk field and hopes to start the first shipments in June.

By the end of the year, the enterprise should reach the pre-war monthly capacity of about 18,000 tons of concentrate.

JSC "UMCC" is one of the world's largest producers of titanium raw materials, which has 4% of the world market and is among the top 10 in the world in terms of production volumes. It is a leader in the production of ilmenite, rutile, and zircon concentrates in Ukraine and Europe.

It has two branches: Vilnohorsk mining and metallurgical plant (Malyshevske field, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast) and Irshansk mining and processing plant (Mezhyrichne field, Zhytomyr Oblast).

    SPFU is also working out options for resuming production at the Zaporizhzhya titanium-magnesium plant, which will be able to work on the raw materials of the United Mining and Chemical Company.