"Granite of discord". How suppliers are sabotaging military food procurement reform

In October of this year, Ukraine was shaken by the story of the supply of low-quality products to the army, which became possible due to the falsification of the quality certificate by the supplier "Trade Granite Invest" (TGI), after which the State Logistics Operator (SLO) was forced to impose sanctions on this supplier for one year refusing to establish any contractual relations.
But this did not stop the scandalous supplier. The company continues to submit to Prozorro auctions, offering the lowest price. Wins the bidding and then gets disqualified from SLO. After that, "Trade Granite Invest" goes to court with lawsuits against the SOT, accusing the agency of discrimination and selectivity. For this, an information campaign is being ordered in Telegram channels, millionaires and mass media.
The purpose of establishing the SLO was to create a competitive procurement market for the Armed Forces. Participation in the procurement of food for the Armed Forces can bring several billion hryvnias per year to the winners of the tenders. This will be an insignificant amount for large Ukrainian retailers, but significant for such companies as TGI.
What is "Trade Granit Invest", how this company appeared on the procurement market – in LIGA.net material.