European Commission bans export of grain from Ukraine to five countries for one month

As of Tuesday, the European Commission restricted the free circulation of four Ukrainian agricultural products — wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower — on the territory of Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary, reports the website of the European Commission.
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These are extraordinary and temporary measures that the European Commission agreed with Ukraine's neighbors at the end of last week. In exchange, they should cancel the unilateral restrictions introduced against Ukrainian agricultural products.
The restrictions introduced at the EU level will be in effect until June 5, 2023, but may be extended if necessary.
During this time, wheat, corn, rape and sunflower can be freely sold throughout the EU, except for these five states.
The European Commission has stated that it is ready to begin an assessment of the situation regarding other sensitive food products.
Ukraine's neighbors must also guarantee the free transit of Ukrainian grain.
"While addressing concerns of farmers in those Member States neighbouring Ukraine, the measures uphold the EU's strong commitment to support Ukraine and preserve its capabilities to export its grains which are critical to feed the world and keep food prices down," the European Commission said.
Poland and Hungary on April 15-16, Slovakia on April 17 and Bulgaria on April 19 suspended the import of grain and other food products from Ukraine.
The European Union called unilateral measures unacceptable and offered to find a pan-European solution.
A compromise was reached on April 28.