Thermal power infrastructure in Ukraine to be switched to low-carbon energy sources

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will help Ukraine convert thermal power plants and combined heat and power (CHP) plants to low-carbon energy sources, the energy ministry said in a statement.
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The Ministry of Energy, the EBRD and PwC, a consultancy, held a joint meeting to update the EBRD’s project on low-carbon reconstruction of generation facilities, in particular in terms of supporting transition for coal mining regions.
The project will identify a list of heat-generating infrastructure facilities that have suffered significant damage and destruction and develop an action plan to attract financing for their conversion to alternative low-carbon energy sources.
After the update, the EBRD and PwC will analyse coal-fired TPPs and CHPs, audit the damage caused, and form a list of facilities to be included in the programme.
Earlier, it was reported that Ukraine had restored almost all thermal generation facilities that were damaged by Russian missile strikes last autumn and winter.