Numerous companies interested in building 31 biomethane plants in Ukraine – GTS Operator
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State company GTS Operator of Ukraine received applications from more than 10 companies for the construction of 31 biomethane plants in Ukraine, the company's CEO, Dmytro Lyppa, announced during a speech at a meeting of the specialized committee of the Verkhovna Rada, reports the press service of the enterprise.

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The implementation of the submitted applications can ensure the production of 225 million cubic meters of biomethane per year, Lyppa clarified.

According to him, the company takes this sector into account in the development plans of the gas transportation system of Ukraine and is already ready to provide biomethane transportation services.

In February, Ukraine and the European Commission concluded a Memorandum of understanding between the European Union and Ukraine on a Strategic Partnership on Biomethane, Hydrogen and other Synthetic Gases.

In order to sell Ukrainian biomethane to Europe at this stage, the mechanisms of cross-border trade in biomethane need to be devised, in particular, to ensure the removal of barriers to the sale of biomethane transported by the gas transportation system in EU countries, the head of the GTS Operator explained.

It is also important to unify regulatory requirements for biomethane with EU countries and remove internal restrictions on its export. This concerns the coordination of customs formalities for the registration of the movement of biomethane across the border.

Another issue is ensuring the issuance of guarantees and certificates of origin of biomethane, which will be recognized both in the domestic and foreign markets.

In addition, the development of the industry requires the creation of additional financial instruments for cross-border lending, which can be used, in particular, to fully or partially cover the producer's costs for connecting to networks.

In Ukraine, the first biomethane plant in Ukraine, which belongs to the agricultural holding "Hals Agro", has already been connected to the gas network. The enterprise is capable of producing about 3 million cubic meters of gas. Biomethane produced by the enterprise is no different from natural gas and can be consumed immediately by households and industrial enterprises.

Biomethane is a carbon-neutral analogue of natural gas, produced by the enrichment of biogas (gas from biomass, such as agricultural waste). Biomethane has the potential to become the third full-fledged source of gas in Ukraine after its own production and import.

At the beginning of August 2022, the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission gave the "green light" for the supply of biomethane to the gas transportation system of Ukraine.