Cargo turnover of Ukrainian seaports doubles in April
Photo: USPA / Facebook

Port operators handled 9.91 million tons of cargo in the seaports of Ukraine in April, which is almost double the figure for the same period in 2023, reported the press service of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority.

Grain constituted the largest amount of processed cargo at 6.3 million tons, compared to 3.9 million tons in April last year.

Cargo turnover through the Ukrainian corridor in April amounted to 7.7 million tons, of which 5.1 million tons were produced by Ukrainian farmers.

In total, in January-April 2024, Ukrainian ports handled 37.7 million tons of cargo, compared with 22 million tons in the same period last year.

In August 2023, Ukraine opened a new sea route from Odesa, which replaced the Black Sea Grain Initiative after Russia withdrew from it, which allowed Ukraine to significantly increase sea exports.

According to the Ministry of Economy, the work of the Ukrainian corridor made it possible to export more than 13 million tons of products in April, surpassing the indicators of February 2022. In monetary terms, exports in April reached $3.3 billion.

The National Bank also confirmed that increasing the capacity of the new sea corridor made it possible to compensate for the losses caused by the blockade of the border by Polish farmers.

From March 1, 2024 , the vessel insurance mechanism against military risks created in November 2023, called the Unity Facility, began to operate for all cargoes, including containers, iron ore and steel.

In April, Ukraine's state rail transport company Ukrzaliznytsia set a record for transporting goods for export.