Ukraine's Parliament grants VAT and customs duties exemption for drone spare parts imports

Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada has approved two draft laws, No. 9275 and No. 9276, which grant exemptions from value-added tax (VAT) and customs duties for imported drone spare parts. The bills garnered the support of 284 and 289 MPs, respectively, Yaroslav Zheleznyak from the Golos faction reported on Monday.
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The projects provide for a temporary – until the end of the war – exemption from VAT and customs duties "import of UAV components (materials, assemblies, equipment units and components) imported by enterprises for their own production activities in the production and repair of unmanned aerial vehicles."
The enterprises that import such components must report on the use of these goods.
In case of improper use of imported goods, the enterprise will have to pay additional customs payments from which it was exempted, and pay a penalty.
On February 6, the Verkhovna Rada canceled customs duties and VAT on the import of copters and some other equipment needed by the military, namely: thermal imagers, collimators, and night vision devices.
On Monday, May 29, Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada made a significant move by approving two draft laws, No. 9275 and No. 9276, which grant exemptions from value added tax (VAT) and customs duties for imported drone spare parts. The bills received overwhelming support from 284 and 289 deputies, respectively, as reported by Yaroslav Zheleznyak from Golos.