Cabinet adds two types of agricultural production to list of critical infrastructure

The Cabinet of Ministers has adopted Resolution No. 455, which adds two new items to the list of critical infrastructure facilities — enterprises for the production of veterinary drugs and enterprises for the operation of grain elevators, reported the press service of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food.
Continuous operation of grain elevators is necessary for a stable and uniform export of basic products and is important in the national strategic food supply, explains First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy Taras Vysotskyi.
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The fight against infectious diseases of animals also directly affects the economy of the state.
The main factor in preventing most animal diseases is preventive vaccination. The instability of the epizootic situation in the country can lead to significant economic losses associated with a decrease in the weight gain of productive animals, their death, and restrictions on trade, both in the domestic and foreign markets.
"The production of veterinary drugs is an important industry for ensuring a stable epizootic situation in the country, and this industry needs the support of the state," commented Vysotskyi.