Parliament's new policy aims to boost small alcohol producers

The Ukrainian parliament supported draft law No. 5762 in the second reading and in general, which simplifies the conditions for the production of distillates by small business entities, reported the head of the Rada committee on taxes and finances, Danil Getmantsev.
The law should bring the current legislation in the field of production and circulation of alcoholic beverages and distillates into compliance with the requirements of the EU legislation, as well as soften the regulation in this area for small business entities, Getmantsev explained.
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In particular, the document provides a clear definition of small producers of distillates and establishes clear requirements for their material and technical base.
The new law obliges small producers of distillates to submit a report on the volumes of produced and sold products quarterly (instead of monthly) and reduces the fine for non-submission or incorrect submission of such reporting from UAH 17,500 ($474) to UAH 1,020 ($28).
Also, the cost of a license for wholesale trade in alcoholic beverages for small producers of distillates is reduced from UAH 500,000 ($13,542) to UAH 30,000 ($813).
The use of all alcoholic distillates produced from agricultural products for alcoholic beverages has been allowed.
The outdated provision on mandatory certification of alcohol, distillates, bioethanol, and alcoholic beverages is excluded.