Ukraine repairs gas pipeline to Moldova

The Ukrainian gas transmission system operator, or GTSOU, on Wednesday announced that the repair of a key gas pipeline connecting Ukraine and Moldova has been completed.
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In a statement, GTSOU said the repair work was carried out based on the results of an earlier in-line diagnostics.
The safety of the work was achieved, in particular, by using a mobile nitrogen compressor station that the operator purchased last year—the first time it was used in the repair on such a scale.
By August, the volume of natural gas transported from Moldova to Ukraine amounted to almost 170 million cubic metres, or 15 percent of all imports from Europe, per GTSOU.
Last month, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a law on optimising the structure of the Ukrainian gas transmission system operator, thus fulfilling another International Monetary Fund ‘benchmark’ for providing a four-year USD 15.6 billion loan.