Ukraine's nuclear facilities back online after repairs: all 9 reactor units generating

Ukraine's state NPP operator Energoatom has completed planned repairs at nuclear power plants. Since Monday, all nine available reactors (another six have been stopped because they are located in occupied territory under Russian control) have been connected to the grid and are producing electricity at full capacity, the Ministry of Energy reported.
Nuclear generation provides more than 55% of Ukraine's electricity needs. It is the most sustainable and stable generation, which, according to the Ministry of Energy, enabled the power system to survive last winter.
"I am sure: this will be the case this heating season as well," said Minister German Halushchenko.
A notable aspect of the current heating season in Ukraine is the operation of the two oldest reactor units at the Rivne Nuclear Power Plant using American-made Westinghouse nuclear fuel. The VVER-440 water-cooled reactors are now utilizing nuclear fuel supplied by Westinghouse, marking a change from previous seasons.
"We not only completed the repairs on time, but at the same time put an end to Russia's monopoly on this segment of the nuclear fuel market," Halushchenko said.
The repair campaign at the NPPs in Ukraine continued from the beginning of May 2023.
Last winter, each of the power units, with the exception of Zaporizhzhya NPP, worked at the maximum capacity possible at that time. Nuclear generation provided about 55% of the total electricity consumption in Ukraine. On some days, this indicator even reached 65%.